
本文引用自 30 Things to Start Doing for Yourself

6. Start noticing and living in the present.

Right now is a miracle. Right now is the only moment guaranteed to you.

現在就是一個奇蹟, 此時此刻是你唯一可以確信的事情

Right now is life. So stop thinking about how great things will be in the future.
此時此刻就是人生, 不要再去想未來將會有多麼美妙

Stop dwelling on what did or didn’t happen in the past.

Learn to be in the ‘here and now’ and experience life as it’s happening.
試著學會重視此時此地”, 享受人生現在正在發生的美事

Appreciate the world for the beauty that it holds, right now.

7. Start valuing the lessons your mistakes teach you.過去的經驗讓你學到什麼?

Mistakes are okay; they’re the stepping stones of progress.
用正面的態度面對錯誤, 因為錯誤是向目標前進的過程

If you’re not failing from time to time, you’re not trying hard enough and you’re not learning.
如果你從來沒有失敗過, 就是說你不夠努力去嘗試, 也沒有學習到什麼

Take risks, stumble, fall, and then get up and try again.
Appreciate that you are pushing yourself, learning, growing and improving.

Significant achievements are almost invariably realized at the end of a long road of    failures.
那些了不起的成就, 背後是一連串的失敗

One of the ‘mistakes’ you fear might just be the link to your greatest achievement yet.
那些令你感到恐懼的錯誤, 也許就是你未來成功的關鍵

8. Start being more polite to yourself.善待自己

If you had a friend who spoke to you in the same way that you sometimes speak to yourself, how long would you allow that person to be your friend?
如果你有一個朋友正用你現在對自己說話的態度對你, 你還會想不想要他當你的朋友?

The way you treat yourself sets the standard for others. You must love who you are or no one else will.
你對待自己的方式, 是其他人的典範. 如果連你自己都不願意, 也不用奢望誰會愛你 

9. Start enjoying the things you already have.享受你擁有的

The problem with many of us is that we think we’ll be happy when we reach a certain level in life – a level we see others operating at – your boss with her corner office, that friend of a friend who owns a mansion on the beach, etc.
我們常有的通病, 就是我們認為在人生到達一定階段的時候我們才會快樂-我們總是看到別人所擁有的-你老闆的大辦公室, 你某個朋友的海灘別墅

Unfortunately, it takes awhile before you get there, and when you get there you’ll likely have a new destination in mind.
不幸的是, 這需要一段時間. 而當你達到目標時, 往往一個新的目標又會出現

You’ll end up spending your whole life working toward something new without ever stopping to enjoy the things you have now.
你將可能永遠都在追求那些目標, 而忘了去享受你現在所擁有的一切

So take a quiet moment every morning when you first awake to appreciate where you are and what you already have.

10. Start creating your own happiness.創造屬於自己的快樂

If you are waiting for someone else to make you happy, you’re missing out.
如果你一直在等待別人來讓你快樂, 你已經錯過了太多

Smile because you can. Choose happiness. Be the change you want to see in the world.
學著微笑,選擇快樂. 你希望世界像什麼樣子, 就怎麼樣去做

Be happy with who you are now, and let your positivity inspire your journey into tomorrow.
滿意現在的自己, 並且用積極正面的態度面對明天

Happiness is often found when and where you decide to seek it.

If you look for happiness within the opportunities you have, you will eventually find it.
如果你掌握每一個快樂的機會, 你將會找到屬於你的快樂

But if you constantly look for something else, unfortunately, you'll find that too.
但如果你總是去尋找相反的東西, 那你將變成一個負面的人.

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