本文引用自30 Things to Start Doing for Yourself 

11. Start giving your ideas and dreams a chance. - 試著給夢想一個機會

In life, it's rarely about getting a chance; it's about taking a chance.

人生中, 最關鍵的不是等待機會, 而是去抓住機會!

You'll never be 100% sure it will work, but you can always be 100% sure doing nothing won't work.

你永遠不能保證百分之百會成功, 但你可以百分之百保證什麼都不做絕對不會成功.

Most of the time you just have to go for it!

大多數的時間, 去做就對了!

And no matter how it turns out, it always ends up just the way it should be.

不管結果如何, 你總是會得到應有的結果.

Either you succeed or you learn something. Win-Win.

只有兩種可能, 你可能成功了或是從中學習到經驗. 永遠是雙贏的局面.

12. Start believing that you're ready for the next step. - 相信自己已經準備好踏出第一步了

You are ready! 你已經準備好了!

Think about it. You have everything you need right now to take the next small, realistic step forward.

想想看, 你其實已經具備所有踏出第一步的條件了, 那怕只是小小的一步.

So embrace the opportunities that come your way, and accept the challenges - they're gifts that will help you to grow.

所以請積極的去擁抱機會, 面對挑戰. 這些是幫助你成長的禮物之一.

13. Start entering new relationships for the right reasons. - 為對的理由展開新的人際關係

Enter new relationships with dependable, honest people who reflect the person you are and the person you want to be.

你交往的對象將會反映出你自己和你想成為的那個人, 對方將是可信任並且誠實的人.

Choose friends you are proud to know, people you admire, who show you love and respect -people who reciprocate your kindness and commitment.

選擇那些令你驕傲, 被你欣賞, 真心喜歡而且尊敬的朋友- 那些人會懂得回應你的好, 而且懂得遵守承諾
And pay attention to what people do, because a person's actions are much more important than their words or how others represent them.

請記得"做"的比說的重要, 因為一個人的行為往往比他們說的話還要更能凸顯他的個性.

14. Start giving new people you meet a chance.
- 給新朋友一個機會

It sounds harsh, but you cannot keep every friend you've ever made.

這也許聽來刺耳, 但你不可能把每個朋友都留住

People and priorities change.

As some relationships fade others will grow. 人際關係往往有的成長了有的變淡了

Appreciate the possibility of new relationships as you naturally let go of old ones that no longer work. Trust your judgment.

珍惜這些可能發展的友誼, 也自然的放手不能長久的朋友. 請相信你的直覺.

Embrace new relationships, knowing that you are entering into unfamiliar territory.

擁抱新的友誼, 也意識到你正在開發一塊新的沃土.

Be ready to learn, be ready for a challenge, and be ready to meet someone that might just change your life forever.

請準備學習, 面對挑戰, 你也許正將遇到那個改變你的一生的人.

15. Start competing against an earlier version of yourself. -和過去的自己競爭

Be inspired by others, appreciate others, learn from others, but know that competing against them is a waste of time.

從別人身上獲得靈感, 珍惜周遭的人, 向別人學習, 但你要知道和別人比較是在浪費你的時間.

You are in competition with one person and one person only - yourself.
全天下只有這麼一個人你需要和他競爭- 自己.
You are competing to be the best you can be. Aim to break your own personal records.
你要和自己競爭, 問自己是不是還能做得更好. 目標是突破自己過去的紀錄.


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